PTO » About Us - Bios

About Us - Bios

Ashley Bender, President

Hi, I am Ashley. As a graduate of Cambria Heights myself, I am proud to be the PTO President. I look forward to providing fun activities throughout the school year that the students get to engage with their peers through as well as making fun memories of their elementary years. As an added bonus, we get to have a hand in helping our educators out with different activities. They are the backbone of our children’s education. Anything that can help them out makes the opportunity to serve on the PTO that much better.


Bethany McCoy, Vice President

Jessica Queen, Treasurer

Hi, I am Jessica. I serve as the Treasurer. I am a graduate of Cambria Heights.


Stephanie Abrams, Secretary

Hello, I am Stephanie. I am serving as the Secretary. I am a graduate of Cambria Heights. I'm a speech-language pathologist and love working with kids. I enjoy being able to help provide fun activities for our kids while they're at school so that they can create many fun memories. 


Whitney Beltowski, Corresponding Secretary